When I pulled this up, I couldn’t believe it. It appears to be either a .22 Cal or .25 Cal. It’s amazing what is lost in the yard.
Last weekend, I spent some time in Missouri with my Grandma Meme for her 80th birthday. She lives in this 100 year old house on a farm in southwest Missouri. I decided to take my metal detector with me to see what I could find.
View from the farm.
Total finds from Meme’s house. I only found one wheat penny from 1952 and a toy car that probably belonged to my cousin.
I was driving home one day and saw this empty lot. I did some research and got permission from the owner. Judging by the houses and the area, I knew it was an old lot. It turned out that there was a house from 1904 was torn down a little while ago. The lawn and tree strips were still good though
I dug this picture up from Provo records. It gives an idea of what the house looked like before it was torn down.
The first day I was there and only tried the tree strips. I found 8 wheat pennies, 2 tax token, and my 2nd buffalo nickel!!! I thought the lawn would be even better but it wasn’t. Ben, Keith, and I went back last night and I didn’t find anything old. Ben found just a few coins but he managed to score a buffalo from 1926, tax token, and one wheat penny from 1942. Instead of finding older items, I had a one any only type of experience. I found this 8k gold ring with a pretty purple stone. After that, I found a hoard of costume jewelry.
All of this was in one hole. At first I thought I hit the mother load but none of it is real gold.
Total finds from the one hole is 8 rings, 9 earrings, 1 pendant, and 1 bracelet with hearts. I doubt I will ever beat a jewelry hoard like this again.
Total coin finds from the house. No silver 🙁