7 signs of can:cer in the morning when you wake up without knowing it

Statistics in 2023 show that the number of cancer patients in Vietnam has tripled after 30 years, and the most notable thing today is that cancer is getting younger and younger. In fact, cancer treatment depends a lot on when it is detected. If treated at an early stage, most people with cancer still have a good chance of living 5 to 20 years. There are many signs of cancer cells that are often overlooked and thought to be just normal, trivial symptoms. Pay attention to these morning signs that warn of cancer. This information has been published in the press, I will share it again in the article below for everyone to know!

First: Color of urine for the first time of the day

The color of urine is one of the factors that can predict diseases. In particular, after a night, the color of urine will be clearest. The urine of healthy people is usually clear and pale yellow.

Knee and joint pain will disappear if you do this every morning!

Some cases of frequent urination, painful urination and burning are often caused by urinary tract infections. If you see blood in your urine, you should also be careful because these could be symptoms of bladder cancer or kidney cancer. Second: Headache or nausea in the morning

According to research published in the journal Neurology, about 77% of brain cancer patients have headaches, manifested by pain around the head, concentrated in the temples or back of the head and neck.

Headache, vomiting and blurred vision in the morning when you first wake up are the “triad” signs of increased intracranial pressure. Any disease that causes high intracranial pressure can have these symptoms. One of the most common diseases is a brain tumor. Headaches in the early stages of brain tumors often occur in the early morning, usually around 4 or 5 o’clock. Patients often wake up after a deep sleep with a feeling of pain. The pain is not constant, sometimes mild, sometimes severe, sometimes dull, you may just need to get out of bed and walk around, the headache will gradually decrease or disappear. As the disease progresses, the headache becomes more severe and lasts longer. Headaches can also be accompanied by vomiting, more common in the early morning. After vomiting, the patient felt the pain significantly reduced. This type of vomiting is caused by increased intracranial pressure and is less related to appetite. It is not accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea. Third: The color of phlegm after waking up

If you see a lot of phlegm when you wake up, you should be careful. Healthy people usually have little or no phlegm in their throat. For people with lung or bronchial problems, there is often a lot of phlegm in the throat and it needs to be coughed up immediately.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will check the nature and color of the phlegm. If it is a cold, the phlegm will be pale in color and slightly viscous. If it is a cold, the phlegm will be yellow and slightly thick. These cases are not worrisome. However, if the sputum has blood, users should be careful because this could be a sign of lung diseases such as tuberculosis, or even lung cancer. Fourth: Unusual bad breath in the morning Many people have bad breath after waking up in the morning, but after drinking water or brushing their teeth, the bad breath is gone. The cause may be due to poor digestion or oral health, but it can also be a sign of cancer. In particular, bad breath becomes severe and cannot be completely eliminated after brushing your teeth. Lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and sinusitis can all cause bad breath, even after you brush your teeth. These bad-smelling gases are caused by excess mucus buildup in the lungs. In particular, people with lung cancer often have symptoms of mouth pain due to acid damage. Stomach cancer also leads to symptoms of reflux, heartburn and mouth pain. Liver cancer causes toxins in the body to not be metabolized normally, increasing the amount of ammonia in the blood, leading to coughing and sneezing when waking up. Thursday: Unable to wake up or feel weak and powerless in the morning

If you are unable to wake up in the morning or you often have trouble sleeping, feel weak or have difficulty waking up in the morning despite having a normal schedule, you should see a doctor. Check with your doctor because it could be a sign of an insulinoma. Insulinomas can also cause symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

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