Baba Vanga, the legendary blind mystic renowned for her precise prophecies, left behind shocking predictions about the fate of the world before her death in 1996. Dubbed the Nostradamus of the Balkans, her predictions for 2025 are causing concern among many.
Some of Baba Vanga’s shocking predictions include:
A devastating war in EuropeThe event that would trigger the collapse of humanity is an unspecified conflict in Europe, which would lead to a drastic decline in the population of the continent.
Russia’s growing influenceBaba Vanga predicted that President Vladimir Putin would be re-elected as the leader of Russia, helping to strengthen the nation’s position and continue reshaping global geopolitics.
Severe natural disastersBaba Vanga foresaw terrible natural disasters in 2025, including volcanic eruptions and massive floods causing significant damage. She also predicted a major earthquake, especially along the West Coast of the United States, which would become a major disaster resulting in many deaths and evacuations.
Scientific progressAlthough natural disasters are unavoidable, Baba Vanga also predicted that scientists would make significant breakthroughs in lab-grown organ production, revolutionizing the field of organ transplantation. She also predicted major advances in cancer treatment by 2025, possibly even a cure for the disease, while Russia had recently succeeded in vaccine production.
Many of Baba Vanga’s predictions have come true, such as the death of Princess Diana, the sinking of the Kursk submarine, and the 9/11 events. Recently, she also predicted the assassination of a leader in 2024, which coincidentally aligned with the assassination of President Trump last July.
Despite Baba Vanga’s fame for her accurate prophecies, there are also many instances where her predictions did not come true, leading many to question the reliability of these prophecies. Here are some examples of her failed predictions:
Global nuclear war from 2010–2014Baba Vanga once predicted that the world would enter a global nuclear war, starting in 2010 and lasting until 2014. She claimed that Europe would be completely destroyed, and humanity would face an unprecedented catastrophe. However, this period passed without any signs of a major nuclear conflict.
Europe disappearing in 2016Baba Vanga predicted that in 2016, Europe would become “empty,” with no inhabitants due to natural disasters or severe conflicts. In reality, nothing of this sort occurred in 2016.
The apocalypse in the year 2000One of Baba Vanga’s most controversial predictions was that the world would end in the year 2000. That year passed without any events linked to the annihilation of humanity.
Aliens invading Earth in 2012Baba Vanga predicted that in 2012, an alien civilization would invade Earth and enslave humanity. However, 2012 passed with the focus mostly on the Mayan “end of the world” prophecy, and no sign of alien invasion occurred.